
Attendance and Punctuality

What do I do if my child is sick?

You should contact school on the first day of absence and each day thereafter BEFORE 08:30 am on 0161 445 6079.




If your child falls below 92% attendance you will be invited in to school for a meeting with the attendance officer and the Head of School. 

The purpose of the meeting is to establish the reasons for low attendance and to establish a way forward.

Green Pupils with attendance between 100% and 96%


Amber Green Pupils with attendance between 96% and 94%


Amber-Red Pupils with attendance between 93% and 91%


Red Pupils with attendance below 90%




Regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise their educational opportunities and to become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults.


We will work with families to identify the reasons for poor attendance and try to resolve any difficulties.


We recognise that attendance is a matter for the whole school community and that poor attendance can be indicative of a number of underlying problems. Our Attendance Policy should not be viewed in isolation; it is a strand that runs through all aspects of school improvement.

A clear focus on attendance also reflects our child protection and safeguarding duties as set out in the statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (DfE 2022)



To maintain high levels of attendance we would like to highlight the following points:

  • You will be giving your child the best possible chance to reach his/her potential if s/he attends school regularly and on time.
  • The Headteacher is not permitted to grant any leave of absence during term unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  •  Holiday leave would not be considered an exceptional circumstance.
  • If exceptional circumstances arise, a request must be sought in writing, before the absence.
  • In those cases where permission is not granted, your child will be considered absent without authorisation. This may result in  action being taken against a parent/carer. Under the anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, an authorised officer of the City Council has the power to issue each parent/carer with a Penalty Notice for each of their children who do not attend school regularly. Failure to pay a Penalty Notice may result in prosecution.
  • Our nursery offers full-time places. After an agreed period of transition, children are expected to attend full time.
  • The school monitors attendance carefully and uses the data in a number of ways, including picking up any problems a child might be experiencing at school or at home. Teachers will talk to children and parents/carers if they suspect a problem to try to resolve the issue and improve attendance.
  • Parents/carers are encouraged to alert class teachers if their child appears reluctant to attend school.
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