
Maths Curriculum


Please see below a list of documents to give you a detailed overview of What Maths looks like here at St Cuthberts, how we structure our lessons and what a unit of work looks like using the White Rose schemes of learning to support our teaching and learning of Mathematics. 

Maths learning at home

Please click below to see how you can support your child at home with Maths. This will also show you what they will be learning throughout the year and will help you support your child with the strategies we teach. In the summer term we will send these booklets home with your child so they can familiarise themselves with what they will be learning, ready for the next academic year. 

Parent support

For further guidance when supporting your child with their home learning, please follow the link to access advice and guidance, online tutorials with top tips and free parent workbooks. These resources are all free and link with the schemes of work we use to support our teaching of Mathematics.

Booklets for your child to access at home

Please follow the link to access some free printable work books to support the topics your child is currently learning in school. 

Times Tables Rockstars


We have recently introduced Times Tables Rock Stars to St. Cuthbert's, which is a fun way for children to practice and master their times tables using laptops or iPads.


Each week you can concentrate on a specific times table and also practice up to the 12 times table. Children get to compete against their friends online and can also play individually.

This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 12,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide.

We recommend children playing each night for about 5-10 minutes to help them practice.

If you have any questions please speak to your child's class teacher.




MyMaths (For children in Y3,4,5 and 6)  

We have also introduced My Maths in Ks2, which is a website where children can complete homework set by their class teacher.

MyMaths is an online website where a weekly homework task will be set by your child’s teacher every Friday to help consolidate and practice skills taught in school. These activities develop pupils’ confidence and fluency in Maths and the interactive lessons provide step-by-step examples to break down learning into manageable chunks. Your child’s log in for this is stuck in the front of their learning log. Please contact the office if you need your child’s password details resent.



Mathseeds (For children in EYFS, Y1 and Y2)

Mathseeds is an online website where a weekly homework task will be set by your child’s teacher every Friday to help consolidate and practice skills taught in school. These activities develop pupils’ confidence and fluency in Maths and the interactive lessons provide step-by-step examples to break down learning into manageable chunks. The log in for this is the same one you use for reading eggs.

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