
Music Lessons


At St Cuthbert's we want all of our children to learn, play and perform Music.


The teaching of National Curriculum music is built in to our Topic units but we also employ a specialist music teacher 1 day a week and she teaches an instrument to each Junior class as well as singing to Key Stage 1 and 2  pupils weekly.


Every child in Key Stage 2 learns at least one instrument free of charge.

Whole class music tuition is usually Tin Whistle or Guitar.


Children can also learn a number of other instruments including:

Tin Whistle




Piano accordion





 We ask for a contribution towards the cost of this additional tuition of £25 per instrument per term.

For children who are entitled to Free School Meals any additional instruments after the first one are free.


Did you know that your child could also attend the Manchester Irish Music Hub at St Mary's Levenshulme on a Wednesday night?


St Mary's hosts the Manchester Irish Music Hub run by Mrs Durcan ( our Music teacher)  with oneeducation:


The Centre offers the chance for students interested in Irish music to progress and play together in ensembles. All students can learn a range of traditional instruments including the accordion, pipes, tin whistle, banjo and guitar. The enthusiastic team of teachers teach a large group of talented students, many of whom have been successful at regional and international world championships.

The centre is open on a Wednesday evening from 6.30pm term time only.


click the link below for more information.


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