
School Uniform

School Uniform Pictures for Parents/Carers

It is our school policy that all children must wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in official school-organised events outside normal school hours.

It is expected that children wear the school uniform each day, with the appropriate footwear. Most of our uniform can be purchased from the larger supermarkets to keep costs down for our families. 


Our branded items of uniform can be purchased from the MCS store on Fog Lane in Didsbury.


If you are struggling with costs school has links with the Withington Foodbank who are supporting us to recycle pre worn uniform. The Pastoral team can advise on this. Please email or phone the office for details.



  •  If a child does not wear the correct uniform, a verbal or written reminder of our expectations will be communicated to the parents/carers
  •  If a child arrives at school wearing inappropriate clothing which causes concern (eg unsuitable for the weather, too revealing, offensive/unsuitable slogans, etc) then the school will provide uniform for the child to wear for the day.
  •  PE kit should be worn on PE days only.
  •  If a child does not have the correct PE kit, this will be communicated via a letter or verbally to parents.
  •  Parents are asked to clearly label every item of school clothing with their child’s name.
  •  The children are responsible for taking care of their own items of uniform.
  •  There are places for lost property located in the building. Any items left unclaimed WITHOUT A NAME are periodically stored externally or donated to other families.
  •  If there is any reason why a child cannot wear our uniform or requires special dispensation (eg health or religious grounds) then the governors will consider sympathetically any such request from a parent/carer. Please provide medical evidence for this.


Please note that school also has the right to ask parents to take children home to remedy the breach of policy. This would be classified as an authorised absence.


Jewellery, Personal belongings, hairstyles and footwear

  • The school is not liable for any jewellery or personal belongings  that are lost or stolen and teaching staff will not look after these.
  • Pupils should have a bag/case in which to place the earrings during PE or swimming.
  • Personal belongings should be kept in trays or your child's school bag


For parents of children in who attend swimming the wearing of earrings is forbidden by Manchester City council regulations.

  • Children should not wear earrings to school unless they are able to take them out and put them back in without assistance
  •  No other jewellery should be worn to school
  •  All jewellery is to be removed during PE to comply with health and safety regulations
  •  PE and swimming are legal requirement
  •  Long hair must also be tied back and, for swimming lessons, and children must wear swimming hats
  •  Coloured hair should be natural coloured highlights not bright colours
  •  Tramlines / designs should not be cut in to hair Extreme Hair Styles


Extreme Hair Styles

  • The school does not permit children to have ANY haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. This includes conspicuous markings eg tramlines and Mohicans, or Mohican like styles.
  • No colours or styles which would be considered as extreme are allowed and no extreme graduation of cut and hair length across the hair.

We strongly advise that parents/carers check with school before they get their child’s hair cut if they are unsure in anyway as staff are always happy to help.

  •  Make-up and nail varnish have no place in the day-to-day running of St Cuthbert’s Primary School and are not allowed.
  • Wet hair gel and beads in hair are also inappropriate on health and safety grounds.
  • Tattoos of any type are not permitted.



We want all our children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels in school, so we do not allow this.

Neither do we allow children to wear trainers to school; these are appropriate for sport or as leisurewear, but are not in keeping with the smart appearance of a school uniform.

Parents should ensure that all children wear plain black shoes – there are many sensible, safe and healthy varieties available. Brightly coloured footwear or items with flashing heels must never be worn.


Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should NOT be brought into school unless a child in Year 5 or Year 6 is walking home by themselves with permission from their parent/carer. The child is responsible for putting their phone in the office at the beginning of the day and collecting at the end. School accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to a child's mobile phone.

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