
Welcome to the wonderful world of Year 5C!!



Spring 1


Key dates 

P.E day - Tuesday (inside and outside)


Happy New Year and I hope you all had a restful Christmas break!

On our class page you will be able to find information about this half term's learning.

At the bottom of this page I have attached this years topic overview, homework and spelling sheets.





During our English lessons this term, we will be looking at Kensuke's Kingdom by the author Michael Morpurgo.  We will be looking at key narrative features and how writing as the reader (understanding audience and purpose) has a huge impact on writing. We will be working on developing our language and vocabulary, understanding how well-chosen words can play a huge part in writing success.  We will also be focusing on sentence structures and how to use them and manipulate them for effect. SPaG skills are embedded into all our English lessons. 

Some of the writing objectives we will be looking at are:

- using paragraphs to organise ideas

- using simple devices to structure non-narrative writing e.g. headings, subheadings, bullet points

   -  writing for a range of purposes 


In Guided Reading, we will be looking at a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. 






This half term in Maths, we will begin with our Fractions unit. We will recap prior learning from Year 4 before moving on to our Year 5 objectives. Some of the new objectives we will cover during this unit are:


  • Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction
  • Compare fractions with different denominators
  • Change an improper fraction to a mixed number and vice versa
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and multiples of the same number
  • Multiply fractions and mixed number by whole numbers


Don't forget a really easy way to practice your times tables at home is by using TT Rockstars. Knowing your times tables up to 12x12 helps with a lot of different topics in Maths, especially fractions!!


Here are some useful websites:





In Topic this term, we will be looking at 'The Vikings'!  We will first learn a little about the Anglo-Saxons and how the Vikings invaded Britain. We will explore what life was like in Britain during the Viking rule. We will also discuss the similarities and differences between the rights of children today and those of Viking children.






Our Science topic for this half term is ‘Forces'. During this unit, we will be learning to:


  • Give real-life examples of friction and identify the effects of friction that act between moving surfaces
  • Identify and explain balanced and unbalanced forces
  • Explain that supported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
  • Identify the effects of air resistance that act between moving surfaces
  • Identify the effects of water resistance that act between moving surfaces
  • Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect





Our Topic in RE is Local Church - Community: Mission.  We will begin by showing how our own and others' decisions in carrying out their mission are informed by beliefs or values. We will also identify and make links with how Jesus carried out his mission and that it still needs carrying out today.   Finally, we will understand how people may be inspired to share in Jesus' mission and explore what the Bishop's role in the Catholic Church is.


PSHE and Mindfulness


PSHE and Mindfulness

Interweaved throughout all of our topics is the importance of self-care and reflection. At home we encourage you  to use a  journal to write down our thoughts, feelings and emotions which is key to regulating how we are throughout each day like we do in class. Additionally, we will post some online meditation and yoga you can practice at home.


Homework-  Here are the Home Learning tasks that pupils should complete each week. If you need any support accessing these resources, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


1) Reading - Pupils should be reading for 10-15 minutes every night. Pupils can change their books as and when they need to in the Class Library or the KS2 Library. Year 5/6 pupils are welcome to bring in books from home. Please help your child to record their reading in their Reading Record. Listening to your child read can support their fluency, develop their comprehension skills, and help them to progress. Here are some recommended reads - how many of these books have you read?


2. Reading Eggs – Children have a weekly comprehension assignment to complete on Reading Eggs.

Reading eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning.


3. My Maths  - Children have a weekly assignment to complete on MyMaths that will help them to practise the skills we have been learning in school.

Pupils can also access Mathseeds (using their Reading Eggs login) and TT Rockstars for fluency practice.


4. Spellings – practice daily

Pupils have 10 spellings to learn per week, on which they will be tested every Friday. A copy of the spellings is available below. 


5. Learning logs –  In Spring 2 (March, April), pupils will have a home learning project to complete. At the end of the half-term, they will bring in their project to share and celebrate with their peers.


Well done on reaching the bottom of the Year 5 Class Page. 

A prize* to the first pupil who tells Mr Clare the answer to this tricky riddle: What can you catch but not throw?  *Disclaimer: the prize may not be of a high quality!

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