
Welcome to Nursery!


Your teacher this year is Miss Frankland

alongside Mrs Lydon


Welcome to the Nursery class page! I hope you have had a fantastic half term holiday and are ready to continue your fantastic love of learning throughout Spring! Please read below to find out information about important dates and what your child/ren will be learning about this term!  


Setting the scene for a great day...




Please ensure your child brings a labelled water bottle to school each day and at least one spare set of clothes (more if you think they might need it).  Please remember that children should bring water in their bottles and not juice or any other drink.  Milk and water are available in school at all times for the children.


Key Dates




Our learning in Nursery so far.....






Nursery classroom


The nursery gates open at 8.35am and will close promptly at 8.45am. Please ensure that your child arrives on time ready to start the day. 

At the end of the day the gates will open at 3.10pm 



Reading Books and Home Learning Logs


Reading books are changed once weekly. These will be given out each WEDNESDAY and need to be returned the following MONDAY can read it together, talk about the pictures and what is happening or what might happen next. As they become familiar with the story, you can ask them what they remember about the story and also encourage them to talk about and sequence the story - the beginning, middle and end etc.


Alongside your child's reading book they will also bring home a project based challenge to complete at home. We will give these out on the first  THURSDAY of half term and your child can complete it over the half term. We ask that their project is brought into school in the last week of term to share and celebrate with their peers. You will be given a sheet of paper that will be stuck in your child’s learning log that will outline what the project is and ideas of activities you can do.  We feel this will give children more freedom to learn about real life world events, share personal experiences and will help motivate them to engage in home learning as it is child managed. It will also encourage them to be more independent, inquisitive and encourage outdoor learning together. 



Throughout this half term we will we will be focusing on the following key texts...





 An overview of our learning objectives for this half term...



Phonics starts early in nursery and each morning as the children enter the classroom you can support them to find their name card to add to our our self registration board! Nursery are working hard to write their names and will be encouraged to do this when they come into the classroom each morning!


This half term nursery are focusing on the initial sounds of a word. We will be exploring using lots of engaging games and challenges following the little wandle phonics programme.


Throughout our continuous provision will be a variety of engaging challenges to support their recognition of these sounds and how print has meaning.


We have also been very busy mark making, and will be focusing on the meaning of the marks we make. To help us develop control when using a pencil we will be having fun with lots of fine motor activities such as dough disco throughout each week.




During this half term the children will be learning to assign one counting word to each of the objects to be counted, recognising that there is an order to counting.​ We have explored the concept of subitising during the last term and we will continue to practise this skill with numbers up to 5. Show ‘finger numbers’ up to 5 with increasing accuracy​. ​

Use full sentences when comparing sets e.g. there are more cars than boats ​. Talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes (for example, circles, rectangles, triangles and cuboids) using informal and mathematical language: ‘sides’, ‘corners’; ‘straight’, ‘flat’, ‘round’. ​ Select shapes appropriately: flat surfaces for building, a triangular prism for a roof etc.​

Extend and create ABAB patterns – stick, leaf, stick, leaf.​







                                                                                .Help at Home


Please find below lots of useful websites and links to great resources that can be used to support your child's learning at home!


Government support for home learning for children aged 0-5 years.





Here is a list of websites/ apps and youtube videos that we love and will help with our learning at home!



Phonics websites


Phonics apps


Jolly Phonics Lessons


Meet the alphablocks


Read with phonics games


First words sampler


Teach your monster to read


Phonics YouTube Videos 


ABC song


Tricky words songs phase 2



Letter names and sound song




Jack Hartman


Geraldine the Giraffe


Maths websites


Maths Apps


Kids counting


Maths Tree


Bugs and Numbers


Busy things


Maths ages 3-5


Maths YouTube videos


Jack Hartman



2D shape song








El Nombre for number formation




Meet Bobby Bear



Bobby Bear is our new UNICEF nursery Mascot! Bobby will be used during some of our group activities to discuss feelings, news times and other activities. Every Friday a child will get the chance to take Bobby home. The bear will come with a story book, a tooth brush and his bear book for you to fill in with your child. The idea of taking Bobby home is for your child to take the bear along with on things they like to do at the weekend, and then be able to share an aspect of their life with their friends by looking at their time with Bobby. The bear book could include some photos and/or comments about what they have done at the weekend, so that we can share this experience with them the following Monday.



Our celebration wall has been a great success! The children have loved sharing and celebrating their achievements at home with the class and all of their friends! Thank you for your continued support!




Bookstart is a nationald programme designed to support parents reading with their children. Research shows that children who recieve bookstart packs are far more likely to regard reading as one of their favourite activities!


The packs are filled with free books and useful guidance materials which are available for different ages and stages of development!


For more information about Bookstart and the different packs available please visit the Bookstart website or alternatively click on the following link -


You can also find usefull tips and activity ideas to help with your childs development on the 'Learn With Me' page by following this link  - 


 Number and Shape  


You can practice counting with your child - anything can be counted! Stairs, cars, items of shopping etc! 


Encourage them to look out for shapes in their environment - road signs, windows, plates etc!


Talk to your child about the size of different things - encourage them to use words like tall, short, taller, shorter, big and small etc!




 Your child is working hard at school to develop the muscles in their hands to enable them to learn to write - activities include using and manipulating playdough, learning to use scissors with one hand, using pencils, felt tips and other mark making materials.


You can support your child by encouraging these sorts of activities at home!


 Also by encouraging the children to talk about the marks they have made - even if it looks like nothing more than a squiggle - There may be a story behind these marks!


Look out for and encourage your child to recognise signs and print in the environment - they are learning that writing serves a purpose and carries meaning! (This could be anything! - shopping lists, food labels, road signs, etc



The children access the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum through a mixture of adult directed and child initiated activities which are available both inside and outside the classroom so please ensure that child is equipped for the weather each day!


We plan for and adapt our teaching to meet the changing needs and interests of the children that we observe daily and welcome you to let us know if there is something at home that your child has expressed a particular interest in!


Please feel free to approach us with any ideas, expertise and/or resources you would like to share!   


Useful Websites to support your child's Learning

Here are some links to some of the favourite learning songs the children love on youtube!

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