
Head Pupils 

We are delighted that Daksha and Tommy are representing the views of the pupils this year.


Their role will include:

- Meeting with Senior Leaders to make decision on their school

- Lead assemblies and worships

- Showing visitors around their school

- Showing perspective parents around school

- Make decisions about the future of the school  

- Sharing the mission statement in everything we do

- Bring suggestions of how to improve the school



Deputy Head Pupils




We have selected Dade, Tommy, Olivia and Alba to support the Head Pupils and Senior Leaders in school. They will contribute by deputising for the Heads at times as well as all of the above. 


Learning Council

The Learning Council has been set up this year to support the children in making judgement about what good teaching and learning looks like. They have said what lessons they like and why they like them. 

'I like lessons that are fun and exciting like in Science when we do experiments'



'I like using my imagination with exciting video clips so that I can be creative in my writing.'



'I like pushing myself in my learning to do my best.'


Growing In Faith Together (G.I.F.T) Team

The role of the GIFT team is work together to help all pupils across the school to support each other through our mission statement: we love, we learn, we grow. They deliver Collective Worship to classes and in assemblies. They also offer the chapel as a private space to ensure pupils get the help they need and they feel they are supported by other pupils as well as staff.



Laudate Deum Impact Group


After Pope Francis' message of Laudato Si in 2015, there was a clear focus on the care for creation across the world. In October 2023, Pope Francis released Laudate Deum which means 'Praise God' and again focuses on the need for us to do more for the world as missionaries of Christ. 


This team will centre around what impact we can have on the world and local community and how we can make a difference for all of God's family.


This is the mission the pupils came up with:


To make a difference on a local and global scale to better the lives of people for this generation and the next. 

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