
Year 5/6 - St Maximilian Kolbe

Welcome to Year 5/6C/H - St Maximilian Kolbe


Teachers: Mrs Clarke & Miss Hollingsworth         Summer Term



Welcome back to school after the Easter break!  


Key dates:


Year 6 SATs 13th - 16th May


Our PE day is on Mondays. Please wear your PE kit to school on a Monday for our indoor and outdoor sessions. 



Please check this page regularly for key dates, homework, useful links to help with your learning, and information about all the subjects we'll be studying.


You can also use the resources below to help with your learning: 






We will begin our English lessons this half term by looking at the poem 'The Highway Man'. We will be looking at the language used and the key features within a poem. Throughout the unit, we will be completing different pieces of writing that focus on different skills, such as: creating our own poem based on the opening of 'The Highway Man', writing a monologue in role as a character from 'The Highway Man' and using our speaking and listening skills to take part in a debate about the highway man's death.


Key skills we will be focussing on are:

- Making predictions about characters 

- Collecting evidence to create an impression about a character

- Using poetic language effectively

-writing our own poems using figurative language 

  • Writing in role: monologue
  • Looking at the language and structure of balanced arguments 
  • debating using formal vocabulary 
  • writing a balanced argument 


In Guided Reading, we will be looking at a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. 



Some of the skills we will be working on are:

- Using the context of a sentence to work out the meaning of a word

- Reading aloud with intonation that shows understanding

- Make predictions based on details that have been read




This term, in Maths, we will look at converting between metric and imperial measures; look at the properties of shapes and practice drawing 2D shapes, translating and reflecting them on a 4 quadrant grid.  We will look at pie charts and line graphs, interpreting the data shown and drawing some charts of our own.  We will calculate the area of 2D shapes and the volume of 3D shapes and build some simple 3D shapes using nets.  We will solve problems using ratio and proportion and find simple missing numbers using algebraic formula.  Make sure you keep practising those times tables to help with your mental and written calculations within class.

We will continue to work on our arithmetic skills through daily morning maths and through weekly arithmetic tests. We will also be doing some investigations involving  reasoning and problem-solving.



Knowing your times tables up to 12 x 12 will make you a much more efficient mathematician. Make sure you are using TTRockstars at home to practise your times tables. Can you help us climb to the top of the TTRockstars leaderboard? Every 5 minutes helps!




In Topic this term, we will be looking at Ancient Greece.  We will learn about the Ancient Greek civilization and how they used to live. We will learn about city states and how they differed. We will participate in an Olympic games and discuss how modern Olympics differ from the games many years ago.


In Art and DT we will look at producing our own Greek Art and making Greek Vases out of clay.





Living things and their habitats 


Our Science topic for this half term is ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. During this unit, we will be learning to:


  • Explain what something needs to be living
  • Give reasons for classifying animals based on their similarities and differences
  • Identify the characteristics of different types of animals to help classify them
  • Use a key to help identify organisms
  • Describe and investigate helpful and harmful micro-organisms




Our Topics in RE are Pentecost, Healing and The Common Good.   We will look at the importance of Pentecost and the disciples receiving the Holy Spirit.  In the topic on Healing we will look at Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Sick.  When looking at the Common Good we will look at special places and talk about justice and fairness.



PSHE and Mindfulness

Included throughout all of our topics is the importance of self-care and reflection. At home we encourage you  to use a  journal to write down our thoughts, feelings and emotions which is key to regulating how we are throughout each day like we do in class. Additionally, we will post some online meditation and yoga you can practice at home.



  Here are the Home Learning tasks that pupils should complete each week. Please come and see me if you have lost your log-ins for any of these sites!


1) Reading - Pupils should be reading for 10-15 minutes every night. Pupils can change their books as and when they need to in the Class Library or the KS2 Library. Year 5/6 pupils are welcome to bring in books from home. Please help your child to record their reading in their Reading Record. Listening to your child read can support their fluency, develop their comprehension skills, and help them to progress. Pupils can gain Reading Raffle tickets and class rewards for their reading at home. Here are some recommended reads - how many of these books have you read?


2. Reading Eggs and My Maths – Children have a weekly comprehension assignment to complete on Reading Eggs and MyMaths.

Reading eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning.


3. Spellings – practice daily

Pupils have 10 spellings to learn per week, on which they will be tested every Friday. A PDF copy of the spellings is available below. 


4. Learning logs –  Project. 

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