PE Day - Thursday
Welcome to Year 6S!
Autumn 1
Welcome to Year 6! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break and have had the chance to relax in preparation for a busy and exciting final year in Primary School!
On this page, you will find information about any keys dates such as, PE days and assemblies, as well as lots of information about what we will be learning about in each subject this half term. There are also lots of useful links to help you with your learning.
Here are some useful reminders and links to web pages for you:
Class Teacher: Miss Shotton
We will begin our English lessons this half term by studying Michael Morpurgo's 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. During this unit, we will be focusing on a range of different genres including: a descriptive piece of writing, a monologue and a narrative.
Key skills we will be focussing on are:
- Making predictions about characters and key events of a story
- Collecting evidence to create an impression about a character
- Use descriptive language effectively
We will continually be revising all our Year 6 reading skills through our guided reading sessions this year. This half term, we will be focusing on:
- Using the context of a sentence to work out the meaning of a word
- Retrieving key details from a text
- Make predictions based on details that have been read
This half term in Maths, we will begin with place value before moving onto the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Some of the key skills we will be covering in our first unit are:
Here are some useful websites:
Our Science topic for this half term is ‘Earth and Space’. During this unit, we will be learning to:
Our Topic for this half term is 'The Vikings'. During this unit, we will be focusing on both History and Geography objectives. We will begin by creating a timeline of key events and identifying the rule of the Vikings on a British history timeline. By the end of the unit, we will be able to:
Our topic in RE this half term is 'Ourselves' where we will be focusing on our unique talents and qualities and how we can use these to guide others. We will be focusing on scripture to help us understand the term 'peacemaker' and discuss how we can offer advice to others in their time of need.
PSHE and Mindfulness
Inter weaved throughout all of our topics is the importance of self-care and reflection. At home we encourage you to use a journal to write down our thoughts, feelings and emotions which is key to regulating how we are throughout each day like we do in class. Additionally, we will post some online meditation and yoga you can practice at home.
Here are the Home Learning tasks that pupils should complete each week. If you need any support accessing these resources, please do not hesitate to contact me.
1) Reading - Pupils should be reading for 10-15 minutes every night. Pupils can change their books as and when they need to in the Class Library or the KS2 Library. Year 6 pupils are welcome to bring in books from home. Please help your child to record their reading in their Reading Record. Listening to your child read can support their fluency, develop their comprehension skills, and help them to progress.
2. Reading Eggs – Children have a weekly comprehension assignment to complete on Reading Eggs.
Reading eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning.
3. My Maths - Children have a weekly assignment to complete on MyMaths that will help them to practise the skills we have been learning in school.
Pupils can also access Mathseeds (using their Reading Eggs login) and TT Rockstars for fluency practice.
4. Spellings – practice daily
Pupils have 10 spellings to learn per week, on which they will be tested every Friday. A PDF copy of the spellings is available below.
5. Learning logs – In Autumn 2 (November - December), pupils will have a home learning project to complete. At the end of the half-term, they willl bring in their project to share and celebrate with their peers.